The movie had many a values that serves true. We gotta improve the way of Life...or our Health... and i checked out his website at "Patch Adams"... speaks of a real man with a real ball of passion and flame.I mean truly...People is what that matters than machine or system or rule! People are important. God loves people. WE are the same, just different in our experiences and surroundings. I liked one part of the movie where he said..." All those people who are patients are doctors too. Each of them take part in taking care of another person. A doctor takes care, treats, listens to someone in need." And thats exactly what we all could do! Man...dont you think we can improve the quality of Life by just making someone else happy? How does "excessive happiness" sound to you?
I'm reminded too that we are human beings, we go through a course of ups and downs,no denial of it. I remember that in those times of downs, i ask for a special grace from God so that i can smile for the whole day. And i know God's grace and love shined through me=). Give thanks and make a merry, cause no one really hates happiness long enough not to be infected by your smile and kindness. If you think u have not enough to share your love around, be like me,ask from God a little love and be of little faith.
I love roses. What bout you? :)