Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Wacky Red and Silly Green.....

Dear readers,

You are about to enter into my mind now ....imagine You are in a hot environment, horrible pressure in the room, the air is getting thinner, you feel as though a screw driver is digging into the side of your head, grinding disturbing noise, Sharp Intense Pain! ArgGH@#! "Whats wrong with me???!"


ok alrite.....i'm no JK Rowlings or CS.Lewis...so dont start comparing me with them! haha...the capacity of words do not overwhelm me like their's do.....However, these are some words I wish to describe my condition. Take a look at this pathetically amusing critter picture ABOVE.... I do not presume myself looking like that... but it sure gives u a way to have creative imaginary thinking. Dont ya think? Actually its very funny...Lolz...found it while browsing.

For your information, I am not suffering from any Mental Depression. I have no desire to kill myself. I am NOT SUICIDAL! So what am i talking about?.....My eyes are seriously red from wearing my contacts too long. i tried taking a picture of it to post it here but nothing beats this pathetic critter's red eyes...lolz...and it sure does look pathetic....so well... let me continue...

I'm writing this in a room so very HOT! It rained, but the earth has swallowed it all, and the weather still heats up. Pressure in the room....imagine pressure cooker, and it begins to sizzle and whistle and drops of water rolls down the lid of the cooker...so it is with me with drops of sweat. The air is getting thinner....why the HAZE of course@! Where oh where is the clean fresh air???

Next, the screw driver? haha.. its the splitting headache i'm getting now for the late nites i've been staying up. Ever tried staying up too many nights till you want to vomit? yeah...i did before but the headache comes as first warning. Heed it or fail having a good meal. The pain stings like a bee on one side of my head. I get grumpy and irritated easily..."hey kiddo"...why like that??? "I cant help it"...try I will...

Grinding disturbing noise? well not exactly grinding....recognise the sound of plastic being blown at? by wind or the fan? it makes the "shah shah" sound..and sometimes....its irritating...u may not agree....some may vent about the "Ticking sounds of the clock."- well not if u dont wind the Clock~Duh...... hehe

The intense pain............sharp................."Oh, darn the mosquitoes! hahha... its getting me itchy all over!

so whatcha think of my descriptive venting?
haha....Roll your eyes and comment all you want! its another late nite but i'm ready for you! hehe


Anonymous said...

stings like a bee??*glares thou shalt nt use my nameth in vain!*evil stare...hehehe kidding..just wanted to mess with ya..:) im sure u can guess who am i?

Gracel said...

hey bee bee beee beeeee beeeeee
of coz....who else but you????