I am trap in this world without hope.
Sometimes feeling as if i'm the one making things turn bad
I run away as there seems to be ... more than i could be expected of.
Silent and shy and i couldnt face the world on my own....
Will i ever perish. I checked the stars and they stood silent...
Not a word... nor an answer i seek...
How i wish i was the angels...floating in the skies... only one reason to live and only God to know all my hearts contents.
I trust that if i'm tested... i'll know the answers...........but.......but.....
Will the season come now? will the hope revive now? Where will the stars shine for me?
How far to the darkness will i see the morning Star... then will i find my way... to the deepest meaning of it all.
I sight a slightest glimpse of joy.... but i dare not peep in.
I long for a change but when change came i shield myself again.
What is this i am? What have i put thoughts in my head....
Will i be like the midst in the sky.... clouding my dreams and hiding my tears...
Where can i be.......where do i see.....
Tears will never end....laughter not so real.
Smiles do not come by chance.
I hear with deaf ears...my mind has kept me inside so long that i couldnt bear....
Love has got to do with it ......all.....
The story never ends... the leads will go on...
{ This isn't a poem....This is a song i sing....how poor is the state of my soul....)
Hey are u ok Grace??? Just checking on you. Your song seems very sad, or is it just a longing for more of God??? Take care and be strong!!!
you okie? wanna write me about it?
dont be sad please?
love you much
Thanks .....i wanna cry. BooHoo... hmm... yeah i'm getting a bit down lately. Idont even know why...but just to let you guys know i'm fine. Mood swings maybe? or just that i didnt look at the bright side of life. But really.... talking to you guys makes me happy... and yeah Mich.... everything has todo with God. You know that without Him.... we get into this kind trouble... lost and lost and lost and lost....I have to pick myself up i know.... coz its my soul and you cant be of help rite? i'm just saying the truth about it, not saying you are in the wrong alrite.
I love you guys... Be passionate and inspire....there are others inn a worse state than me. :)
Love may.
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