Saturday, July 15, 2006

Kasih Allah melalui Yesus Kristus

ROMA 8 : 35

Apakah yand dapat menghalang Kristus mengasihi kita? Tiada sesuatu pun dapat menghalang Kristus mengasihi kita : baik kesusahan, kesukaran, penganiayaan,kelaparan,kemiskinan, bahaya mahupun kematian. beautiful.....beautiful is this song of You~ beautiful.....beautiful is this song for You~
In all in all for You...

So beautiful are You.

Come Lord we pray that the skies open wide
Lord we worship you from afar
As you listen to... our voices sing high above...take pleasure...take pleasure
Like streams of the river flow... the quiet serenity of You
I rest in peace my doubts of You
As i warmth in Your presence
Like the warmth of the sun
I calm myself down in You

So Beautiful are You.
So Beautiful are You.