Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Holiday over???

I have this in mind even in Singapore....haiz....is this the end of my holidays? Will I just get down with a job and stay put with the working life? Well...I left Singapore not feeling all lost of hope but a little more confidence...I knew that God had a greater plan for me than I know of and my purpose of living for Him hasn't been completed as yet. So "What am I here for?"

That question draws attention from most banners in a couple of churches in Penang that have committed to 40 days of Purpose living. Yupps�Kit��s based on the Purpose Driven Life journal written by Rick Warren on how to live life purposefully for CHRIST! I personally had not been committed from the very start of the campaign as I was in Singapore, but I do want to be involved as much as I can till the end of the campaign. So I got myself registered and told myself to at least join a discussion group. So this Friday will be my first�Kwill see how things go, as there are a couple of things happening at home.

As some of you already know, I have an uncle who came over to live with us recently because he was diagnose with final stages of liver cancer. He intentions are to seek medical treatment and another reason is because he has no family of his own. We are trying to accommodate him as much as we can and I have been driving him around to hospitals to ask about his case. It��s been tiring and frustrating these two weeks as he is not an easy person to live with or to please. Coupled with the chronic disease, he enters into the denial stage and later most probably depression. How am I to handle this???
I know I have Christ with me. I know I will have to serve him as though I do it for God and not for man.

So it is this matter at home that has kept me halted at my plans and I don��t even know what to plan now~ I thank God for friends who care to listen and read my sms��s and was there to encourage me, and support me in prayer and words. Thank you Corn, Ming and Erin. God shows me that He hears my every prayer and doesn��t leave me alone to deal with it. However I think more is to come�K..please pray for my uncle and my family�KThank you :)

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